
Stories of a Lifetime

Senior living residents have lived amazing lives. Now, SageAge is on a quest to share those stories with those in the senior housing and senior living industry, residents and their families, adult children, and anyone who wants to be inspired.

Join us to hear their words of wisdom and discover their achievements as we overturn the stereotypes about those who choose senior living communities and redefine how sales departments, sales teams, and sales and marketing professionals approach getting to know residents.

Episode 1: MURIEL FOX

Co-Founder of the National Organization for Women

Kendal on Hudson | Sleepy Hollow, NY

On being a pioneer in public relations and an activist for women’s rights.

Episode 2: TOM BEECHER

Attorney & Economic Developer

Canterbury Woods Gates Circle | Buffalo, NY

What it means to be a changemaker.


Lifelong Learner & Constant Wonderer

Azalea Trace | Pensacola, FL

How wonder and curiosity lead to a richer life.

Ready to work as WE?

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